So, today is the big day, well the third big day in a series of big days. Mason is having his second tooth pulled and a filling. Normally this wouldnt be such a big deal but for a four year old, it kinda is. We arent sure why Masons teeth are in such horrible shape but we do know they are. We also know that Mason is the toughest patient on the planet.
This whole experience has been really good for us. Mason has learned that he is a really tough little boy. The dentist and all the staff keep praising him for being so grown up. Everytime we go into the office there is something new that he does that just wows them. The first time, he never cried and had his tooth pulled. The second time, he knew what he was walking into and he was still cheery and wonderful. This morning, he is actually excited to see the hygentist! I dont know where he gets his courage from but I love it.
For me this has been a rollercoaster. I know he isnt horribly ill and it could be so much worse than loosing a few teeth. But as a mommy I have lived with anxiety for the past week. I cant sleep, I am on edge, and I am over analyzing everything he says. But I have also learned that all of that is just what I do. It is how I deal with stress. I have not resorted to sitting down withe a bag of cookies nor have I visited Rushs yet! For me this is huge. I am a stress eater and that is a huge flaw of mine. I am trying to overcome that and I think I may have.
I have also learned to ask for help. Having Marks mom come babysit is huge for me. I know she loves the kids but she has never kept them. This is allowing me an outlet to hopefully start asking her to start helping more so that Mark and I can enjoy some time together.
Again, I know it could be worse. But when it is your child, every little thing scares you. You want to hurt for them so they dont have to hurt. You want them to be happy and healthy. You dont always get that. I am so blessed that I have had healthy children. We havent had a sick appointment in the past two years. Thats pretty amazing. That being said, I am thankful for the dentist. I am thankful that I have people around me who love and support me and my family.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day and I hope everyone takes time to count their blessings. Even the little ones, like a good dentist!
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